Thursday, September 16, 2010

Religious freedom and the United States

The US, in it's formative era, recognized the benefit of separation of church and state and found good biblical cause for doing so. The two have their respective spheres of influence and armor. The state should provide the sword against... oppression and evil... Christianity should provide the presuppositions of grace and mercy. While we can respect and support the freedom of Islam to practice its faith, we should not be lulled into letting our guard down when viewing it's political/cultural intollerance and desire for dominance in both the religious and political spheres. There is a difference between what freedom will allow, and what it should protect society from. There is a difference between what is permissible and what is right.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dual Citizens?

I recently read an article discussing the "Evangelical Calvinist" movement on Patheos that got me thinking about Society and the Christian (reformed) and was reminded of a review article by David VanDrunnen in the Sept 2010 Ordained Servant speaking to similar issues here:

Great article for further reflection!