Monday, December 22, 2008

Natural Law

Natural Law is part of the created order of things. It is covenantal in that all of creation exists in relation to our Creator. It is intrinsic rather than extrinsic to creation. Humanity is created in God's image. This image is covenantal and is expressed in both our official ontic nature and in our relational character. The imago dei manifests itself in the three fold office of prophet, priest, and king. Our fall in Adam corrupted this image. The Image remains as does the intrinsic nature of the covenant; however, all of creation including mankind is under the weight of the curse of the original covenant made with Adam. The Law of the Covenant still exists, and humanity continues to be accountable to to Him through it; but man twists the covenantal relationship to suit his own corrupt purposes.

God graciously re-established the creation mandate after the fall and humanity multiplied and filled the earth. The kingdom of man developed into cities. Cities were formed and culture developed in such a way as to restrain evil and maintain order and enable humanity to engage in cultural development. The culture at large was far from Godly however and degenerated. The judgment of God followed; yet, God graciously preserved a family in Noah. Following judgment, God established his covenant with all of creation and called upon the remnant of humanity to multiply and be fruitful. The events surrounding the Oracles of Noah regarding his son's and their descendants set in motion the history of cultural differntiation. God's blessing and curse would accompany the historic unfolding of the nations developed from this family.